Sunday, November 26, 2017

So if I am a Land Owning Farmer and it is Muzzle Loader only Gun Deer season 11 26 2017

So if I am a Land Owning Farmer and it is Muzzle Loader only Gun Deer season  11 26 2017

Am I going to use that potentially dangerous Muzzle Loader, essentially a relic, an antique, outdated technology or am I going to get out my cartridge rifle and say, there is no way anyone is ever going to know the difference?

"I have a wife and family to support, I am not going to be potentially blinded by antique firearms technology?"

Oddly enough they want to take away the modern guns don't they!  It is like we have Southerners that want to refight the Civil War against us?  Gee Whiz could that be the hillbilly white trash voices I am hearing in my head all day long?

© 2017 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Invention Needed: A DSLR aiming peep hole sight that attaches to the hot shoe of your DSLR Camera 11 22 2017

Invention Needed: A DSLR aiming peep hole sight that attaches to the hot shoe of your DSLR Camera 11 22 2017

This would allow you to take pictures of birds flying in the sky and not fall down while doing so.  Because you would not have to hold the camera up to your eye to aim, you could hold it away from your face and align the peep hole with the bird and push the shutter button.

The hot shoe of the camera is on top of the camera and can be used to attach accessories.  But I have never seen a remote aiming peep hole or rod hole on the top of one.

I would patent this if my mind was distraction free of voices and I was therefore able to.

© 2017 Thomas Paul Murphy